Romeo & Juliet : On Tour

by William Shakespeare

Winter  2018

Tour  Partners: Compass  Housing Alliance , Mary’s  Place , Seattle  Public Library

A raucous and romantic Romeo & Juliet that danced dangerously up and down ladders, dove though showering clouds of silk rose petals, faced the enemy and dared to fall in love.


The Players

Leah  Adcock-Starr  (director, designer,  producer)

Kieran  Adcock-Starr  (actor, producer)

Corey  Lynn Atencio  (actor)

Maya  Burton  (actor)

Aviona  Rodriguez  Brown (actor,  musician)

Adrian  Cerrato (actor)

Fiona  Clark (stage/tour  manager)

Brian  Dang (assistant  stage manager)

All the characters were real people. I liked it a lot

Malie  Fuji (production  manager)

Devyn  Grendel  (actor)

Robin  HallSmith  (assistant director,  text and movement work)

Jonelle  Jordan (actor)

Alyssa  Kay (actor,  fight choreographer,  musician)

Denny  Le (actor)

Channing  Moore (actor)

Mimi  Santos  (actor)